KBCommons - Osativa
Genomic Variations Explorer

Promoter Search

Search by Gene IDs

 (eg Os01g0120800 Os07g0446000 Os07g0264000 )

(eg 2000)

Search by Binding TFs

 (eg Os01g0128000 Os01g0165000 Os01g0169400 )

(eg 2000)

Copy Number Variation Search

Search by Gene IDs

 (eg Os01g0120800 Os07g0446000 Os07g0264000 )

Search By Accession and Copy Numbers

 (eg B001 )

(eg CN0 CN1 CN2 CN3 CN4 CN5 CN6 CN7 CN8)

Search By Chromosome and Region

 (eg chr10 )

 (eg 150001 )

 (eg 250000 )

If you use the Genomic Variations Explorer in your work, please cite:

Chan YO, Biova J, Mahmood A, Dietz N, Bilyeu K, Škrabišová M, Joshi T: Genomic Variations Explorer (GenVarX): A Toolset for Annotating Promoter and CNV Regions Using Genotypic and Phenotypic Differences. Frontiers in Genetics 2023, In Press.